FoothillsWant to have fun with a great bunch of guys while learning new outdoor skills in a Christian setting? If so please plan on attending Cross Trail Outfitters Sportsman's Night. This monthly gathering will be held on the first Monday of every month at 6:30 PM. Supper will be served to all in attendance. Our normal meeting place is Elizabeth Baptist Church in Shelby. We occasionally meet off site when our activities require more space. Please check the CTO Foothills Facebook page for updates or contact Chip Camp for further information. Hope to see you there. |
Foothills Chapter Outfitter: Chip Camp
Chip's love for the outdoors has led him all over the country in pursuit of big game animals and trophy fish. Chip has a love for bear hunting and is "at home" in a cold duck blind or a wild mountain trout stream. Most of all Chip is passionate about sharing his love for Jesus with the many young people that he encounters. If you have interest in learning more about God and His creation, please contact Chip today: or 704-473-3833 | Help Support the CTO Foothills ChapterSet Up a Recurring DonationMake a One-Time Donation |