CTO Crystal Coast Squirrel Roundup

  • January 14, 2023
  • 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM
  • CTO Crystal Coast Lease


  • This is for a parent of a youth hunter who is familiar with gun safety and can guide their youth in the blind.
  • This is for CTO volunteer Guides that can guide CTO youth on this squirrel hunt
  • This is for CTO youth that plan to hunt Sat morning.
This is a chance for some of the younger kids to get in the woods in an attempt to harvest some of the squirrels we’ve been watching all deer season. This is a squirrel hunt for CTO youth on the CTO Crystal Coast Lease. We will meet at 8:00am and then place everyone in their hunting area. Parents are encouraged to guide their youth on this hunt. After the squirrel hunt we will have a lesson in small game trapping and will set several traps for raccoon. This will be a good action packed day for some of the younger kids in the chapter. Please sign up if you plan to attend.
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